Here is Jello,of course,why did I type these words? foolly....


I am now studing about Law and English everyday,but feel tired sometimes....

For pass the national examation and be a poblic officer or take some professional licenses,I study hard everyday,but not consentrate on studying enough.I know I have only 24 hours per day to use,in fact, everyone have only 24 hours per day,too. Alough I am try do study more efficient ,still have no otherwise good manners for me to study better and rapidier.I use  the most basic and oldest manners to study these subjects now,kaking long time and gain few knowledges.Almost the time when I awake,I study and sit on the front of the computer everyday.I really not often go outside and play or meeting with other people.

My life now is very standard.When I get up every morning,I eat breakfast and then do a few exercise.After this,I turn on the computer and sit down in front of my computer starting to study.besides studying,my free time is not some other big things in stead of eating,going to bathroom.Studying for passing national exams is most important things and even I can say that thing is my only things to do in my awake time now.Seldom I play piano after lunch.The most and only most important thing is studying hard and prepare for the exam to get a good job and take a good income.For haing a good job,I use a lot of time to study and prepare the national exam just for that can having a good job in the not far far away future.


Besides studing,my everyday life are routine,I do study Law and English hard and sometimes take a rest to play piano or computer or do exercise or go to bed and take a nap.My everyday life is just like those I typed above.


So boring !!!!


But I still have to do studying , it is the only way to get a good job I think!So even boring can not let me give up!All I worry is not interesting or boring or studying itself.I worry when I can pass the exam and find a good and stable job.But I also know there is no time for me to think to much.All my time awake cannot be wasted by evenone else ,of course,inclusing myslef.


Sometimes I feel tired then I would start to think that if it worths my  all time or not ,but I always get the same inclusion that is if there is no other wat to find a good job,thus the only way can give me a good job is concermed to train myself to get professional knowledges from books.By this conclusion,I push myself to studying harder and harder.


So sometimes when I feel tired, I talk to myself not giving up and inisesting,hold on and I will really pass the national examations to get a good job.Being a poblic officer or get proffessional licenses just like lawyer license and so on.finally, the destiny can not be avoid that is if I wanna succed,the only way is to read Law and language books and get the knowledges from books for that I can earn my living by these knowledges!I think that word "Knowledge is power" is true.Knowledge is not just power,it can become money and bread for me to survive in this world.


Because this reason,knowledge can let me find a good job and stable incomes for living well,Alough I feel tired sometimes,I still have to go on!!!!BE success!!!!


Hope everybody prepare for the national exams can insisting till to  pass the exam.When tired,don't think too much!Just take a break then go back to your desk and continue to study ! Good luck!everyone~


Hoping that we all can gain the great konwledge from reading books and pass the national exams to be poblic officers or to get proffessional licenses to bo somebody in every kinds of professional areas oneday in not far  future !!!!




Written by Jello

    創作者 洪忍 的頭像


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