Thesedays I think about lot's of things....Job,Love,Familyand so on.I finalli really understand that My destiny is go along with myself....My life,the goal of enternal life is to find a right girl to be my forever love,to be a couple forever.The right girl who I still not find is Snow.Yes,I call the gril belong to each other Snow.I have sawn lot's of beautys ,but no one let me think she is the right girl for me to be.Snow Snow Snow .....Does she really be or not?! I don't know and I just trust that if I am,there mest be a right girl is suitble to me and named Snow.Not finding Snow yet,I still go alone with myself.Maybe Somebody or even everyone thiink that I am so foolish,I still instist that I believe that my Snow exist.Just the right time is not coming,but oneday we will meet or find each other in the future.....Snow,the right girl who love me and I love her,must exist.... I believe my self belief.I will still go on and keep alone till Snow show up !!!! So foolish!!!!But I believe my belief!!!!